
  • N. M. Samoliuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • V. A. Mishchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • S. O. Naіchuk GC «AUTOGRAD», Rivne



HR-brand, employer’s brand, HR-brand attributes, internal HR-brand assessment, type of employee satisfaction with the brand.


The growing role of the HR brand to ensure the competitiveness of the company in the labor market necessitates the study of factors that influence the level of satisfaction of various target audiences. It is recommended to assess the level of employee satisfaction with the internal HR brand based on organizational, functional, economic and psychological blocks of attributes. It is proposed to use a methodology that contains a five-dimensional scale that allows employees accurately assess their attitudes to the various attributes of the employer’s brand. The total amount of points scored by the employee on the questionnaire characterizes the level of his satisfaction with the internal HR brand. It is noted that the assessment of satisfaction with the overall brand is insufficient. It is important to diagnose satisfaction with the various key elements of the brand, as this will allow company managers to develop a clear program of actions for the further development of a positive internal HR brand. The diagnostics of the internal HR-brand of «Vik-Expo» LLC showed that the overall level of employee satisfaction with the company’s brand as an employer is extremely high. At the same time, the analysis of the level of satisfaction with the various attributes of the brand revealed severalproblematic issues in the personnel management system, which in turn should be improved according to the obtained results. Particularly, there is an insufficiently high level of employee satisfaction with the company’spolicy on attracting and retaining talented employees in the organizational unit; there is a slight dissatisfaction with the system of remuneration and compensation in the economic block; the imperfection of the personnel evaluation system that needs to be changed is revealed in the functional block. At the same time, there is a stable satisfaction with all the elements of the psychological block.

Author Biographies

N. M. Samoliuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

V. A. Mishchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Student

S. O. Naіchuk, GC «AUTOGRAD», Rivne

Director of Personnel Management


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