marketing activity, information support, reflexive influences, environment of management, stakeholders.Abstract
The article reveals the essence and components of the information support of an enterprise´s marketing activities: information technology support, software support, information analysis. Among the information-analytical online systems needed by the company for the effective marketing activity, such facilities asInfostream corporate, Stikler, KonSi-Competitive Intelligence & Benchmarking are allotted. Their use allows the company to carry out qualitative competitive analysis, research of the client base and the market as a whole, continuous monitoring of information on the factors of the environment on the Internet. It elaborates on the model of information support of applying the reflexive impacts on key stakeholders of an enterprise, by using the IDEFO methodology. The methodology is acceptable for constructing information models of organization of reflective influences in the marketing activity of the enterprise, is low-cost, capable of providing a visual picture and ensuring the interrelation of all processes, functions, information flows, tools and structural divisions of the enterprise. The IDEFO standards allow us to unify the graphical description of business processes and present their interaction in dynamics. The article describes the following stages of applying the reflexive impacts on key stakeholders of the enterprise: selection of stakeholders to whom the company plans to administer reflexive impacts, determination of effective directions for the implementation of reflexive impacts, provision of the underlying rationale for the main tasks of implementing reflexive impacts, evaluation of the effectiveness of implementing reflexive impacts with regard to stakeholders. The information support of marketing activities at each of the above stages has been investigated. Proposals have been presented to improve the information support of the marketing activities of enterprises, in the view of the reflexive approach. The applying of the reflexive impacts along with high-quality information support will contribute to achieve the desired results of an enterprise´s performance and will strengthen its competitive position in the market, with just some minor financial expenses.References
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