



digitalization, educational process, teacher, salary, motivation, learning platforms, online school, freelancing, monetization, educational blog


The issue of material motivation of teachers in connection with changes in the educational environment is considered. The dynamics of teachers’ salaries in Ukraine is analysed, and its increase is predicted. It is proved that digitalisation is not only a process of converting information and services into digital format, which includes the use of computer technologies to increase efficiency, accessibility and data exchange, but also a tool that allows teachers to increase their labour income. A detailed analysis of the activities of the Vseosvita platform in 2023 in terms of the number of visitors, the range of services and their cost, as well as Prometheus for a 9-year period in terms of the number of students, the range of online courses in terms of their fees, and the certificates issued confirming the skills and abilities acquired by students, was carried out.The possibility of increasing the labour income of teachers by publishing author’s materials on educational platforms such as Na Urok, Vseosvita, Prometheus and others is considered. An alternative way of earning labour income by teachers throughfreelance employment, creation and management of online schools, such as OptimaSchool, is described. A quantitative and qualitative characterisation of the school’s activities is carried out in terms of the contingent of students by their distribution by place of residence in the country or abroad, as well as the capacity of offers. The number of teaching staff of the online school in terms of positions and disciplines taught is given.The need for a deliberate and effective approach to choosing a method of maximising income is emphasised.The author analyses the practice of teacher blogging, which involves the creation of educational content on popular platforms. In particular, the author analyses the successful YouTube account of physics teacher Pavlo Viktor, which has 1.14 million subscribers and more than 1.2 thousand videos with more than 50 million views.The author considers the aspects of monetisation of an educational blog and notes that, even with a large number of views, teachers may refuse material benefits in favour of intrinsic motivation, which becomes a key success factor in the context of  digital reality and digitalisation of the educational process.

Author Biographies

Liudmyla Beztelesna, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Oleksandr Sуnіuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Student




