
  • A. M. Kostiukevych National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • A. S. Pavlus National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



youth, youth policy, rural communities, youth center, youth space.


Youth policy should promote self-realization of young people, social integration of young people, development of creative potential, introduction of initiatives in various spheres of activity, involvement in processes of reforming society and economy, formation of their responsibility for present and future changes.According to the Standard Provisions, a youth center is an institution established to address issues of social formation and development of youth. The purpose of the center’s activity is:- promotion of socialization and self-realization of youth;- intellectual, moral, spiritual development of youth, realization of their creative potential;- nationally patriotic upbringing of youth;- promotion of a healthy lifestyle for young people;- youth employment and free time employment, youth entrepreneurship;- ensuring civic education of youth and development of volunteerism;- increasing the level of youth mobility.The priority direction of the development of youth policy in rural communities is the involvement of young people in the development of youth development programs. After all, the involvement of young people in the registration of public organizations, the creation of youth centers, advisory bodies under local councils will allow young people to feel like full-fledged participants in democratic processes and become more responsible for their own decisions. We believe that the use of the best European practices of youth policy and the experience of Ukrainian youth organizations will create a synergistic effect that will accelerate the creation of appropriate institutional and economic conditions for the self-realization of youth in rural territorial communities. It is proposed to create and develop youth centers in rural territorial communities using the experience of the European Steering Committee for Youth in issuing quality marks for youth centers, adapting it to a certain model of voluntary certification of such centers, which may be associated with their further resource support.

Author Biographies

A. M. Kostiukevych, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

A. S. Pavlus, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Student


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