
  • T. H. Bondarіeva National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • O. B. Nemkovуch Rivne College of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Rivne



accounting, analysis, biological assets, classification, fruiting plants.


This article is devoted to the research of actual problems of the accounting methodology improvement of biological assets. The meaning of «biological assets» in normative acts and economic literature is revealed. It is proved that this category is one of the most important in the economic activity of the agricultural enterprises. The following article summarizes the classification of biological assets according to the literary sources. The classification of biological assets in terms of useful life, by the industry and by the valuation method is quite common in the accounting. A special classification feature is the approach to the valuation of biological assets, which is conditioned to the availability of two different evaluation options – the fair value and the initial cost. The authors offered to supplement the existing classification of biological assets by the classification mark - the process of biological transformations. In the process of biological transformations, biological assets can be divided into main and secondary ones. The changes in the biological assets accounting for the 2018th are investigated. Currently, the accounting of the fruit-bearing plants related to the agricultural activity is conducted on the sub-account 108 «Perennial plantings» of the account 10 «Fixed assets». In the account 16 «Long-term biological assets», the information about the availability and movement of own or obtained on the terms of financial lease of the long-term biological assets, except for the fruit-bearing plants, which are recorded in the account 10 «Fixed assets» is recorded and summarized. The basic methodical approaches to the analysis of biological assets in agricultural enterprises are reviewed. A system of indicators defining the efficiency of the biological assets usage is offered, namely: the coefficient of long-term biological assets inflow; the longterm biological asset retirement factor; the coefficient of the longterm biological assets growth; the coefficient of production efficiency of the long-term biological assets; the coefficient of production capacity of the long-term biological assets; the profitability of biological assets; the turnover rate of current biological assets; the period of the current biological assets turnover.

Author Biographies

T. H. Bondarіeva, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

O. B. Nemkovуch, Rivne College of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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