entrepreneurship, essence, forms, corporate, high-tech, problems.Abstract
The article determines that an important scientific task is a further analysis of the problems of the transformation of the ontology of entrepreneurial activity and its forms in contemporary economic conditions. It is proved that Ukraine's integration into the world community, the development of the European vector of economic and socio-political activity, makes it necessary to continuously improve the forms and methods of conducting international business, international trade, and mechanisms for attracting investments into the business sector, which necessitates the improvement of scientific instruments for studying the transformation of the main forms of entrepreneurialactivity activities; The analysis of classical and new approaches to the essence of entrepreneurship, modern forms of entrepreneurial activity with a special emphasis on high-tech entrepreneurship and analysis of the main reasons that hinder the development of entrepreneurial activityin Ukraine; It is shown that in the classical sense, entrepreneurship is a private initiative of one or more individuals who have organized their own business for profit. It has been determined that at present the business covers all spheres and industries and regions of the world. From the auxiliary production sector, it becomes a global, powerful business that changes the world; It is proved that the form of high-tech entrepreneurship is the newest in existence. High-tech entrepreneurship is an entrepreneurial activity in the field of high technologies, which is based on innovative ideas for the creation of high-tech goods and / or services. Entrepreneur in the high-tech sector is a talented, educated person who, encountering a valuable scientific idea, turns it into the essence of his business and employment. Entrepreneurship in the field of high technologies, scientific developments, investments into science and education, training of highly skilled personnel and the competitiveness of national economies is significant To a degree, they depend on creative potential and creative possibilities of innovators; It is determined that the main organizational form of functioning of business structures in the modern economy is corporate forms.References
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