commercial bank, individual client, corporate client, external and internal factors of behavior of corporate clients, external and internal factors of behavior of individual clients, concept of integrated banking marketing, ...Abstract
Clients of commercial banks are divided into industrial (corporate) clients (legal persons and individual entrepreneurs) and individual clients (citizens). Behavior of industrial clients is based on a common marketing competitive strategy, certain corporate culture and corporate guidelines, rules and regulations. Because of this, behavior of industrial clients is more predictable when compared to individual clients. Behavior of clients of the bank, both corporate and individual, depends on a number of interconnected factors. The developed classification of factors which affect the behavior of clients of banks is as follows: external factors of behavior of corporate clients, external factors of behavior of individual clients, internal factors of behavior of corporate clients, internal factors of behavior of individual clients. Motivational factors of the marketing can be described as factors which influence the behavior of clients of the commercial bank and help to increase the sales of banking products and services, as well as increase the market share which is controlled by a particular bank. We propose the following classification of such factors: motivational factors in the area of product policy, in the area of pricing policy, in the area of banking product sales policy and in the area of promotion policies. One of the directions for updating marketing concepts is integrated marketing. Its main provisions are: the use of organizational marketing management structures, which are not aimed at the process of marketing, but at ensuring the high effectiveness of marketing activities and their effective control; functioning of the complex of bank marketing in accordance with the model of active marketing; integrated, systematic use of all tools of bank marketing; integrated (complex, systemic) taking into account of all factors which influence behavior of clients of commercial bank. The concept of integrated bank marketing requires the bank to systematize all factors affecting the behavior of clients of the banking institution, monitor and evaluate its actions, adopt and implement relevant marketing decisions in real time.References
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