
  • V. A. Petruk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • I. R. Petruk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



external environment, trading company, internal environment, competitive advantages, business strategy, effectiveness of business strategy.


The complexity of the business environment, characterized by increasing competition in the market for goods and services, requires trading companies to formulate and implement such strategies that will allow it to survive in the competitive struggle for the consumer, provide lasting competitive advantages over the long term and, as a consequence, promote effective development. The strategy of any enterprise is a complex multilevel structure, so there are many features and different concepts for their classification. It distinguishes corporate (portfolio), business (business strategy), functional (detail, support corporate and business), operational (ensure the achievement of strategic goals) strategies. However, there are differences in the interpretation of the next, after corporate strategy, level, namely at the so-called business – business – competitive level. A characteristic feature that brings together almost all interpretations of this concept is management at the unit level, or a particular type of business. The article describes the essence of the concept of business strategy, systematizes scientific approaches to their structure, identifies the main features of effective business strategy of a trading company according to its goals and opportunities, gives examples and results of their application. Thus, a business strategy is a strategy of a business unit or type of activity of a trading enterprise or a strategyfor its separate strategic zone of management. In fact, a business strategy is a plan to manage a particular business area of a trading company, based on actions and approaches aimed at ensuringsuccessful activity in one specific business area (retail). A businessstrategy determines how to win strong long-term competitive positions in a particular business, in a specific strategic area of management of a trading enterprise. The specificity of the strategy for an individual business unit lies in the subordination of the main elements of this strategy to the leading strategic directions of the enterprise as a whole and with special emphasis on the development  of competitive and functional strategies of business units (independent unit, separate type of activity, business unit of a trading company).

Author Biographies

V. A. Petruk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

I. R. Petruk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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