distribution, marketing distribution policy, innovative activities, innovative products, distribution of innovative products at industrial enterprises.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to form the theoretical and methodological foundations for the definition and implementation of marketing tools in the field of innovative products distribution of industrial enterprises. The article is focused on the following tasks: to form theoretical and methodical approaches to the definition of the marketing distribution policy of industrial products; to determine the peculiarities of marketing tools implementation in the field of innovative industrial products distribution. It is determined that the marketing distribution of industrial products differs from the distribution of consumer goods with the following characteristics: the end users of industrial products are, as a rule, not individuals, but legal persons (consumer organizations); retail trade and its attributes are not commonly used; direct sales channels are commonly used; the number of transactions is smaller and the volume of orders is bigger; independent channel members tend to specialize in certain commodities and, as a consequence, are more skilled; individual channel participants tend to specialize in certain types of products and, as a consequence, have a better expertise level; highly qualified specialists are involved in service and support; relations between the channel’s participants are of a long-term nature. The study of the peculiarities of implementation the marketing distribution policy of industrial enterprises’ innovative products allowed to form the following conclusions: suppliers choose the distribution system of goods or services that ensure the achievement of the goals of innovative activities; a large number of factors are taken into account for choosing a distribution system, but the main ones are cost optimization and time optimization for the production and implementation of innovative products; to ensure an effective marketing distribution of innovative products, an adequate strategy must be formed; the interaction of participants in the marketing distribution process of innovative products is based on modern partnership strategies, which are based on different forms and ways of their integration.References
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