energy saving, multi-criteria analysis, efficiency of energy saving investments, ecological-economic efficiency indicators, analytic hierarchy process approach.Abstract
Multi-criteria analysis approaches of investment efficiency in energy saving measures in buildings have been improved by taking into account economic, social, ecological and technical criteria. Developed hierarchy of criteria combines quantitative and qualitative indicators in the investment decision making process. This model has a modular implementation, which makes it possible to adapt the model considering limits of information provision, time budget and funds of a particular investment project. Application of the proposed multicriteria assessment allows choosing among the possible alternatives energy saving measures, which, in addition to obtaining financial benefits, will reduce the negative flow of the environment and will not have negative impacts on human health. Developed methodological approaches to assessing the environmental and economic efficiency of investment can be applied in conducting tenders, as well as, in investment decision making process or financial incentives for projects.References
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Bribián I. Z., Capilla A. V., Usón A. A. Life cycle assessment of building materials: Comparative analysis of energy and environmental impacts and evaluation of the eco-efficiency improvement potential. Build. Environ. 46 (2011) 1133–1140. doi:
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Martinaitis V., Kazakevičius E., Vitkauskas A. A two-factor method for appraising building renovation and energy efficiency improvement projects. Energy Policy. 35 (2007) 192–201.
Chantrelle F. P., Lahmidi H., Keilholz W., El Mankibi M. & Michel Р.
Development of a multicriteria tool for optimizing the renovation of buildings. Appl. Energy. 88 (2011) 1386–1394.
Frontczak M., Andersen R. V., Wargocki P. Questionnaire survey on factors influencing comfort with indoor environmental quality in Danish housing. Building and Environment. 50 (2012) 56–64.
Brown N. W., Malmqvist T., Bai W., Molinari M. Sustainability
assessment of renovation packages for increased energy efficiency for multifamily buildings in Sweden. Building and Environment. 61, 140–148. 18. Zundel S., Stieß I. Beyond profitability of energy-saving measures – attitudes towards energy saving. J. Consum. Policy. 34 (2011) 91–105. 19. Liddell C., Morris C. Fuel poverty and human health: a review of recent evidence. Energy Policy. 38 (2010) 2987–2997.