
  • N. О. Khyzhniakova Rivne State Humanitarian University, Rivne



management, marketing, decisions, economic and statistical analysis, statistical data, market processes, market subject.


Market decisions making is impossible without statistical data collection and without market processes economic and statistical analysis. The purpose of this article is to research the actual view on the market decisions, to construct the algorithm for market decisions making and to determine the place of market processes economic and statistical analysis in it. Also the types of statistical data and of the market processes economic and statistical analysis used for market decisions making are determined and investigated.The results of this investigation are the next. First of all, market decisions form a special type of managerial decisions. They save to define the actions of market subjects concerned to the other subjects. The totality of them forms marketing complex including the same parts: product policy, price policy, sale (distribution) policy and communication (promotion) policy. The market processes economic and statistical analysis is the necessary part of the market decisions making algorithm. It follows after statistical data collection and is carried out before the market decisions variants elaboration.The types of statistical data and of the market processes economic and statistical analysis are determined and investigated in the article. They group according to the elements of marketing complex and to the market decisions inside each element.So the product policy needs to base the product assortment and the volume of each product type. They need to analyze the product characteristics, their quality, compatibility, life cycle and to use the data about product assortment and quality of this enterprise and other enterprises. The price policy is used for price level definition. It needs to analyze the price levels, structure, fluctuations, dynamics based on the statistical data about prices according to the territories, the sale points, the product groups and product types.The distribution policy includes the distribution channels and their participation selection. It needs to analyze the product sales on the data about the trade activity of the market subject and about the trade network. And, at last, the communication policy is used for the communication instruments selection. It needs to analyze the results of the different market communications efficiency.So, the market decisions making must be done by qualified economists and analysts. They must systematically work on statistical data collection and on economic and statistical analysis.

Author Biography

N. О. Khyzhniakova, Rivne State Humanitarian University, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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