
  • V. P. Okorskyi National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



neuroscience, human resources, management paradigm, business, logical thinking, management decisions, neuromanagement.


At the end of the XX century, modern strategies were proposed to increase business efficiency based on new approaches to the process of management decision-making and personnel management using the theory of neuromanagement, which originated with the latest advances in neuroscience. This doctrine offers the head of the company more effective tools and methodology to improve the efficiency of management and, consequently, the productivity of business structures based on the neuropsychological characteristics of managers at different levels of management. Therefore, today, the unlimited possibilities of the human brain require fundamental scientific and theoretical research and their use in practical management.Neuromanagement is a direction of development of management science, which will allow to develop a new modern paradigm of management, in order to study the conditions and processes that contribute to the effective functioning of companies. We conducted a survey of young people, who want to be leaders of the modern type with basic concepts of creativity and the role of neuromanagement as a science and practice of the XXI century for businessto understand human relationships and change through neuroscience, to help future leaders develop new qualities of leadership behavior in modernrealities, to update approaches to the process of managing of organizations, to understand and lead people, to understand the need to change leadership behavior in modern organizations.The results of complex research of current trends in management in Ukraine presented by the author of the article allow us to conclude that there is a connection between neurological activity of the brain, behavioral reactions of people and practical and economic efficiency of the organization.Problems related to the use of achievements of neuroscience in the business environment and the role of neuromanagement in this process and led to the actualization of this article and the need for practical implementation of this theory by introducing into the educational process for students of training direction «Management and administration» discipline with the name «Neuromanagement in business».

Author Biography

V. P. Okorskyi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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