
  • О. О. Osadcha National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • О. V. Pavelko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne




micro level, macro level, meso level, economic security, accounting, transparent activity, enterprise, reporting, organization of accounting.


The article establishes that the globalization of the world economy,active integration of Ukraine’s economy into international associations and the intensification of competition make demands on market participants to strengthen their own economic security. It is determined that economic security is one of the most important functional areas of national security and characterizes the state of protection of vital interests of society.The analysis of the interpretation of the concept of "economic securityat the micro level" is carried out, as well as its functional components aresingled out. The expediency of defining the economic security of theenterprise as a state of protection of entrepreneurial potential from internal and external threats aimed at destabilizing balanced development, or a state of functioning in which the most efficient use of available resources for stable operation and dynamic development and independence, resilience, the possibility of progress and avoidance of internal and external negative destabilizing factors.The main tasks in terms of ensuring economic security are presented:achieving the outlined management goal; development of optimalorganizational management structure; effective use of entrepreneurialpotential; strengthening the level of financial stability, independence,business activity; creation of technological independence and ensuringcompetitiveness; increasing the level of profitability; prevention of negative impact of possible threats to the environment; application of environmental policy to minimize the negative impact on the environment; support of legal protection.It is determined that an important role in ensuring the economicsecurity of the business entity is played by the accounting system, whichallows to administer its activities in modern socio-economic conditionsthrough the implementation of the following functions: information, legalregulation, control, forecasting, regulatory. The main accounting errors that the company must neutralize in order to ensure economic security at the micro level have been eliminated. The importance of integrated reporting in ensuring transparent activity of the business entity is substantiated.

Author Biographies

О. О. Osadcha, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

О. V. Pavelko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor


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