tourist potential, domestic tourism, tourist product, manmade objects, reclamation, recreational areas, stakeholders, benefits, effect.Abstract
The article, based on the understanding of the limitations of the natural and recreational potential of certain territories of Ukraine, substantiates the possibility of creating a new domestic tourist product - recreational zones, through the reclamation of man-made and exhausted objects, which would make it possible to ensure the need of citizens for recreation areas directly near their places of residence, to increase the ecological and aesthetic component of the territories. The world experience of recreational reclamation of man-made objects was studied, the main negative factors of changes in the state of the environment in the areas of mineral development were determined, the problems of effective use of man-made objects in Ukraine were determined, which includes: the study of the concept of land protection; determination of the nature of degraded, unproductive and disturbed lands; characterizing the reclamation of territories disturbed by human activity; implementation of the classification of disturbed lands for reclamation; assessment of disturbed areas according to their suitability for reclamation; determining the sequence of reclamation; highlighting the features of the reclamation of territories disturbed by open mining; development of requirements for choosing the direction of land reclamation; the procedure for transferring reclaimed land to the landowner and control of the quality of reclamation, an algorithm for creating recreational zones on the territories of man-made objects is proposed.The results of the conducted research made it possible to determine the benefits of all interested stakeholders from the implementation of projects of adaptive reuse of man-made objects that will have economic, social and ecological significance for the regions. Recreational reclamation will make it possible to effectively use existing local tourist and recreational resources; will stimulate infrastructure development; will create favorable conditions for meeting the needs of the population in active recreation and health promotion.References
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