
  • О. A. Stakhiv National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • T. L. Adamchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



tourism, business entity, economic management, budgeting.


Tourism is one of the sectors of the economy that have a significant multiplier effect and contribute to the development of related components of the national economy. The development and formation of the world tourism business exacerbates competition and necessitates an appropriate response of the enterprise to these phenomena. Tourism business organizations are, in essence, commercial enterprises operating on the basis of relevant licenses. The basis for ensuring the sustainable operation of tourism enterprises and their ability to develop is to ensure the appropriate level of competitiveness, profitability and solvency. These parameters depend on the effectiveness of their management both at the level of the enterprise as a whole and on the coherence of actions of all departments and specialists of the enterprise. An important role in assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of areas to improve the economic management of enterprises is played by key indicators that help to qualitatively and quantitatively determine the profitability of management decisions or assess their ineffectiveness. The practical solution of this problem should be provided by the formation of a system of economic management of the enterprise. The need and expediency of using budgeting as a basis for operational planning is confirmed by many years of experience of enterprises in different countries. The tasks of comprehensive accountingand analysis of income and expenses, their planning both within an individual enterprise and in a group of companies come to the fore. Ineconomic management, responsibility centers are created, which determine and control the following indicators: revenue from the provision of tourist services by type and direction, the average price of the tour (tour), profit per tour (tour), the cost of promoting the tourist product, the cost of purchasing services third-party organizations, labor costs, costs and losses on airline tickets and hotel rooms, the cost of information support, management costs, etc.

Author Biographies

О. A. Stakhiv, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

T. L. Adamchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer


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