
  • O. B. Mnykh National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Lviv
  • N. Y. Sapotnitska National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Lviv


sustainable development, logistic problem, national logistics system, specialization of economy, restructuring, innovation process, waste from economic activity.


The article shows the specifics of the logistics of foreign companies,which operating on the principles of sustainable development in thecontext of the implementation of the new technological achievementof the Industry 4.0 and the acquisition of new knowledge. Areinvestigated the main causes of ecological problems in Ukraine thatare the result of deindustrialization of production, passivity ofinnovative activity of business entities on the area of transportlogistics. Also, are presented some disappointing positions of Ukrainein international ratings, which testifies to passivity in solving socialand ecological problems. The constructed trends illustrate theaccumulation of ecological problems that are not only related to theeconomic activities of business entities, but also the low level ofintegration among active enterprises and transport organizations.Intimate cooperation of machine-building enterprises with specializedlogistics centers or transport organizations about resolvingproblematic issues, in particular when balancing ecological, economicand social priorities, will have a significant impact on the welfare ofsociety and the environment.It is proved that the world’s megacities of sustainable developmentwill have a positive impact on domestic business and logisticsactivities on the condition of intensification of technological changes inthe sphere of production, which implies the competent specializationof the domestic economy and each producer, the transformation of theUkrainian economy from raw materials to innovation. These facts willbe an impulse for the implementation of the sustainable developmentstrategy in various economic activities and will determine newdirections for the restructuring of the logistics business in Ukraine.Accordingly, have been formed a number of issues on which logisticmanagers and all stakeholders, who are carriers and generators ofnew ideas of sustainable development, should answer.Formation and implementation of a strategy for sustainabledevelopment can not be a fact, which isolated from the macroenvironment and from the policy of the state as a participant in markettransactions.

Author Biographies

O. B. Mnykh, National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Lviv

Doctor of Economics, Professor

N. Y. Sapotnitska, National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Lviv

Post-graduate Student


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