


innovations, food industry, development, enterprise, competitiveness, consumer, quality, technologies, financial indicators, cloud technologies, dynamics


The article discusses the issue of innovation and innovative development of food industry enterprises in the region. The key  aspects of the implementation of innovative technologies, production processes and marketing strategies at enterprises engaged in the production of food products are analyzed. The importance of the implementation of innovative development is substantiated and the positive impact of innovations on the competitiveness of plants is analyzed. It was determined that in  recent years, positive dynamics of innovative development of food industry enterprises have been observed in Ukraine, but the level of innovativeness of the industry still remains insufficient. The levels of innovativeness of «Prygoshchaysa» and «Rodyna» were analyzed, their strengths and the quality of the implementation of innovations were determined. In today's conditions of globalization and increased competition on world markets, Ukrainian food industry enterprises must constantly improve their activities, introducing innovations. Innovations are an important factor in increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, as they allow them to: increase labor productivity and product quality; expand the range of products and meet the needs of consumers; reduce production and sales costs; to expand product sales markets. Emphasis can be placed on specific types of innovations that have the greatest impact on the competitiveness of food industry enterprises. For example, it can be technological innovations that allow to increase labor productivity and product quality, or product innovations that allow to  expand the range of products and meet the needs of consumer. Enterprises can focus on specific factors that affect the innovative development of food industry enterprises. For example, these can be economic factors, such as the level of economic development of a country, or social factors, such as the level of education and qualifications of workers. 

Author Biographies

Liudmyla Beztelesna, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Viktoriia Butkevych, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Student




