
  • M. P. Skrypchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



European integration, security, agrarian environmental management, laws standards.


The article reveals the institutional foundations of the European integration vector implementation in agrarian nature management. In particular, the goals of harmonization of legislative and regulatory documents in Ukraine are: transition to the principles of a «green» economy, implementation of environmental impact assessment, guaranteeing public access to environmental information), rational management of waste and resources, etc. Cooperation is provided for in Chapter 17 «Agriculture and development of rural areas» of Section V «Economic and industry cooperation».In the air quality protection field, Ukraine should attract financial resources to begin the systematic development of an air quality monitoring stations network; receive support within the framework of the CASE project for the creation of a Ukrainian-European analytical center regarding the Ukrainian climate fund; ensure the inclusion of Ukraine in the Life program in the nature reserve fund objects; provide access to EU instruments and funds in areas that contribute to decarbonization with the aim of joining Ukraine to the EU initiative «European Green Course». In the spheres of standardization, metrology, certification, implement priorities, in particular: digital Europe, blockchain, cyber security innovations, «Green Europe» provisions, etc.It is substantiated that horizontal EU legislation is related to environmental legislation covering various environmental areas. Horizontal legislation establishes methods and mechanisms aimed at improving the decision-making process, as well as the development and implementation of legislation.In the field of food safety, product quality and agrarian nature management, legal regulation of food safety and quality is urgent, which is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine «State Support of Agriculture of Ukraine», «Safety and Quality of Food Products» and others. It was established that the difference of the European system of technical regulation is the priority of goods (services) safety, their consumption and use for humans and animals, proper information about the properties of goods.Harmonization of standards is a positive factor in the development of the domestic economy, as the experience of developed countries confirms that each unit of national currency invested in standards makes it possible to obtain from 20 to 40% of profit. To implement the Association Agreement, it is necessary to implement innovative solutions in the areas of environmental management, audit, insurance, licensing, environmental economics, certification, project management, etc. In particular, the goals defined in the EU directives must be achieved in the countries within the established period. The tasks are set in the directives and are mandatory for implementation, but the ways of achieving them may differ in individual states.

Author Biography

M. P. Skrypchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Post-graduate Student


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