
  • P. P. Nesenenko Odessa National Economic University, Odesa



agricultural sphere, state regulation, agriculture, normative legal acts, economic mechanism.


The article discusses the legal acts that form the state regulation system of Ukraine's agrarian sector. The author's vision of the system of state regulation of economic policy in agricultural production is presented. A holistic concept of the state regulation system in the agrarian sector is proposed. The tendencies of stabilization and improvement of the  efficiency of the functioning of the agricultural sector in foreign countries are taken into account. The national legal bases of the system of state  regulation of agricultural production are analyzed. The elements of such a system are identified. We conducted a historical excursion on the formation of legal regulation of economic policy in Ukraine. It is considered how the mechanism of state regulation creates the proper conditions for the functioning and development of agricultural production. The influence of the tool on accelerating the promotion of products from the producer to the consumer and the receipt by Ukrainian agricultural producers of profit from the sale of their products is shown. The regulatory legal acts that make up the system of regulation of certain areas of economic stimulation of the cultivation of grain crops, the safety of agricultural raw materials, the development of the viticulture and wine industry, the production of fish, meat, and dairy products are indicated. Attention is paid to the tools for implementing environmental policy.The taxation of the agricultural sector in Ukraine is analyzed. It is shown  how the system of taxes in agriculture is being improved. The advantages  and disadvantages of the credit system in the agricultural sector are  considered. The role of the insurance of an agricultural producer as  an obligatory component of a market economy is highlighted. It is concluded that the mechanism of state regulation of the agricultural sector  is characterized by the use of economic and legal instruments designed to bring the domestic economic policy in agricultural production closer to European standards in accordance with the modern needs of society.

Author Biography

P. P. Nesenenko, Odessa National Economic University, Odesa

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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