restaurant industry, food services market, restaurant business, restaurant enterprises, ecological practices, decarbonization of production processes, sustainable development, consumer demand.Abstract
The article analyzes the world rating of restaurants that use the principles of sustainable development, considers specific examples of the use of environmental practices in restaurant business establishments, highlights the prospects for the implementation of environmentally sustainable practices at restaurant enterprises in the Rivne town. Although COVID-19 has forced out environmental issues out of the spotlight for a while, it has also changed the way restaurant companies attitude to sustainable development because of realizing the quantity of single-use plastic and waste from restaurant takeout orders. In connection with global climate changes and growing environmental problems, currently all companies in the world are aware of the importance of decarbonization of production processes and the implementation of sustainable development principles, including companies in the restaurant services market. World leaders among restaurant enterprises, which provide principles of sustainable development: Sodexo SA (France), Yum China Holdings, Inc. (China), Alsea, S.A.B. de C.V. (Mexico), Yum! Brands, Inc. (USA), Oriental Land Co., Ltd. (Japan). Annual Reports of the practice of main restaurant enterprise companies are the material for publication. It was found that each company operating in the restaurant services market is aware of the consequences of rapid climate change and tries to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses from its activities by modernizing equipment, creating an ecological menu, increasing the offer of plant-based dishes, implementing international quality standards, taking care of social and the economic sphere of their enterprises, etc. It is advisable to implement all ecological practices in restaurant enterprises of Ukraine, in particular in Rivne. In January 2022, there wеre 574 restaurants in Rivne. The availability of places in public restaurant establishments in the city is 92 places with a standard of 45 places per 1,000 inhabitants, which is twice the standard. Ukraine’s participation in solving the global problems of today, in particular, climate change and environmental protection by implementing the principles of sustainable development in the enterprises of the restaurant industry, is important for European integration and the entry of our country into the world market.References
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