
  • O. R. Antoniuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • M. O. Dermanska National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne




currency regulation, currency operations, foreign economic activity, exchange control.


The purpose of the article is to analyze and compare the peculiarities of currency regulation in Ukraine in two time periods – before February 24, 2022, prior to Russian invasion of Ukraine, and while the war is still going on. Emphasis is placed on the study of the role of the state in regulation through instruments of currency regulation and currency supervision, reflected in normative documents. The concept of "currency regulation" and features of regulators’ activities in emergency situations are considered.Subjects of currency regulation apply various regulatory instruments, including instruments of currency restrictions and currency supervision, as well as measures related to the stimulation of foreign economic activity through currency regulation. The position of the new liberal model of currency regulation, which was introduced before the introduction of martial law, is considered. From the point of view of the activities of business entities in emergency conditions, currency regulation provides for compliance of currency restriction measures with the scale and structure of risks threatening financial stability, establishment of validity periods, availability of accountability and publicity to the National Bank of Ukraine. A sign of the effectiveness of currency regulation is the prioritization of less discriminatory instruments of currency regulation over more discriminatory ones, a balance in the application of such instruments, and most importantly, the priority of market instruments of currency regulation over administrative ones. A feature of the implementation of currency control isthe use of currency supervision, based on which, in accordance with the policy of liberalization of currency regulation, own analysis and responsibility, a risk-oriented approach, an analysis of the substance of operations, rather than the form, were provided. A risk-oriented approach allows you to identify dubious transactions based on indicators, the list of which is given in the article. The article specifies restrictions after the introduction of martial law in the regulation of foreign economic activity, restrictions, in particular, regarding the terms of currency settlements, that is, payments for export-import operations.

Author Biographies

O. R. Antoniuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

M. O. Dermanska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Student


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