competency approach, educational and professional program «Management», data visualization, dashboard, labor market research.Abstract
The Ukrainian higher education system is in a state of permanent transformation, when from year to year the tendencies to formalize the requirements for the quality of the educational process and the qualification requirements of teaching staff engaged in training higher education at the appropriate levels. Between the level of training of university graduates and the qualification requirements for applicants for vacant positions, which are put forward by employers, there is a rather large discrepancy for many specialties for which future specialists are trained. This is indirectly followed by the results of periodic internal surveys of students, which one of the main problems of the educational process is the low level of practical training within the university.A key and topical issue for the group of developers of the educational and professional program and the most important external stakeholders (including students and their future employers), regardless of the university's field, specialty and level of higher education – to identify inconsistencies between employers' requests for certain employees. knowledge, competencies, experience gained and the relevant educational and professional set of characteristics. Periodic monitoring of trends in the requirements for applicants to fill vacancies in the labor market will allowtimely detection of new requests from employers and make changes if necessary.The study of requirements for filling vacancies and salary levels of specialists-managers in the city of Rivne and the region was conducted during two periods: 1) March 2019; 2) January 2022. Initially, the method of content analysis collected information on job search sites ‘’ and ‘’. At the next stage, the method of aggregation was used for statistical processing of the collected information on the actual number of vacancies, requirements for them and the levels of salaries offered by local employers. At the final stage, the method of regression analysis of the dependence of the proposed salary on the components of educational and qualification competencies of applicants for vacancies.Summarizing the results of regression analysis of wages in Rivne region, based on a sample of 50 companies in 2019 and 100 companies in 2022, it can be argued that to increase the material prosperity of future graduates-managers must first form and develop their behavioral competencies (soft skills), as well as expand and improve their skills, which over time can be turned into skills and gain practical experience. In the future, such an analysis should be done periodically to have up-to-date information on the vacancy market for graduates trained by the relevant graduating department. In addition, tracking the trends in the requirements for applicants will allow timely changes to the main document, which is the training of higher education.References
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