
  • L. F. Kozhushko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • O. V. Pakharenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne




leader, leadership qualities, personality, leadership roles, organizational skills, emotional leadership, situational leadership, business leadership.


In the conditions of modern Ukrainian society the question of formation and development of leadership qualities of the person, formation of its value-semantic sphere, skills of goal-setting and active formation to the life is actual and vital. Successful functioning and values of a particular person who is able to oppose society to his will and desires, able to protect their rights and make conscious life choices requires further study and development.The article explores the concepts of leadership and leadership qualities; the fundamental interdependence of functional leadership roles and types of leaders is clarified; certain features of the concepts of leadership and leadership. It is shown that in modern society, different situations require different traits of leadership and different forms of behavior. The article is devoted to the study of the classification of leaders, features and conditions of the formation of leadership qualities of the individual.The study of scientific achievements of domestic and foreign scientists gives grounds to claim that researchers define the essence of the category "leadership qualities" in different ways. Leadership qualities as a set of personality characteristics that help him to take the position of leader in the group, are manifested in organizational skills, the ability to significantly influence the behavior and mood of people, to be an example to follow.Formed leadership qualities should become one of the main components of professional competence. Leadership development is a process in which theindividual, changing under the influence of purposeful learning and education, forms a systemic leadership qualities.The article outlines the problems of finding new forms and methods of work that will contribute to the formation of leadership qualities of the individual in a higher education institution. Theories and technologies of leadership in the works of domestic and foreign scientists are considered.An analysis of existing leadership concepts.Attention is paid to the development of individual features of organizational skills. The relationship between intellectual abilities, character traits and professional skills of a leader is suggested. 

Author Biographies

L. F. Kozhushko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Professor

O. V. Pakharenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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