education, medicine, culture, network, socio-cultural complex.Abstract
The article investigates the essence of socio-cultural institutions in Ukraine. The components of the network of institutions of the socio-cultural complex depending on the purpose of their functioning are studied. The division of infrastructure into production and social is highlighted. It is concluded that the development of elements of the socio-cultural complex plays an important role in the organisation of social production and the creation of preconditions for the development of labour resources. A set of measures is proposed to increase the efficiency of the network of institutions of the socio-cultural complex of Ukraine.The main purpose of social production – is the fullest satisfaction of the growing needs of all members of society. The social sphere, i.e. the sphere of services, and the production of consumer goods constitute a social complex. In social development, the role of the social complex cannot be underestimated: it is both ensuring the functioning of the complex of vital goods necessary for a comprehensively expanded reproduction of the workforce and improving the living standards of members of society through a network of institutions of this complex.Thus, the network of institutions of the socio-cultural complex covers a set of enterprises of the national economy that produce and sell goods and services needed to meet the socio-cultural needs of humans.In the long run, Ukraine needs to build a strong educational and scientific potential, introduce graduate education and create strong regional primary institutions.The health care system is must be developed on the fundamental principles of accessibility, equity and universality. Hotel and tourism businesses must meet international quality standards.References
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