
  • N. M. Samoliuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



soft skills, hard skills, skills, competence, labor market.


The article considers the concepts of “soft skills” and “hard skills” and their importance in the formation of a competitive specialist in the labour market. Based on the analysis of the works of domestic and foreign researchers, the main approaches to determining the essence of “soft” and “hard” skills have been identified and characterized. Each author considers and defines the concepts of “soft skills” and “hard skills” in their own way, but all interpretations are interrelated. Hard skills are defined as a set of “basic” competencies inherent in a particular profession, which cannot only be demonstrated but also measured. It was found that soft skills are a set of “flexible” competencies that include social, emotional, cognitive and managerial components that are much more difficult to measure and give a quantitative and well-differentiated assessment. They are sometimes called personal qualities because they depend on a person’s character and in practice can only be discovered through personal communication. This article also presents the results of the study of the “soft skills” components according to different authors’ models. As different types of soft skills are a priority for different activities, there is no permanent list or comprehensive classification covering all areas. Basically, this group of skills includes sociability, ability to work in a team, creativity, punctuality, balance,analytical and critical thinking, leadership skills, attentiveness, etc. Employment opportunities are considered depending on the available “soft” and “hard” skills. It is concluded that developing “soft skills” and achieving a balance between professional and supra-professional competencies for successful professional activity at different stages of career are of great importance. It is noted that international and national programmes aimed at introducing “soft skills” in the curricula of universities and at other levels of vocational education are being adopted in various countries around the world.

Author Biography

N. M. Samoliuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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