new normal, pandemic, structural changes, economic activity, economic behavior.Abstract
Theoretical principles of appearance and usage of the “new normal” conception in an economic context were generalized. It was defined that the concept was related to an activity during the crisis. At the present stage the activation of using the term in economic relations is bound with the pandemic.Using data about the dynamics and structure of the gross domestic product (GDP), the economic peculiarities of the new normal during the pandemic in Ukraine were analyzed. Economic changes that have occurred in Ukraine are essential enough, which consequences are negative in the macroeconomic sense. The dynamic comparison of the gross domestic product in dollars USA and in grivnas equivalent demonstrates the substantial decrease and the complication in the perspective of returning to the pre-crisis time.Main structural changes that were defined by the type of economic activity and can be an estimating foundation of the economic further transformation and economic behavior were determined. These changes include substantial activity and economic results shrinking in such activity scopes as the processing industry, electricity supply, gas, steam and air conditioning, and education. On the contrary, some of the activity scopes (Agriculture, forestry and fishing industries, transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities, temporary accommodation, and catering) have an increasing dynamic with indicators that exceed the before crisis level. Such outcomes identify that innovative interaction ways in the pandemic conditions of restrictions have been domesticated successfully in these activity scopes. A rapid recovery in 2021 proves the improvement of conditions of activity implementation in these kinds of economic activity as well as restrictions are weakening in their activity. Depending on an active development of new propositions and communication ways with customers in these industries, there can be made a conclusion, that a great quantity of enterprises with these types of activities have adapted rapidly to the new normal, and, consequently, have gone out from the crisis as stronger organizations, using the advantages of new ways of competitive behavior and interaction with customers.References
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