strategic development, human potential of cities, postindustrial economy, competitiveness of cities.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of strategic human development of cities in the context of the new economy, overcoming the latest postindustrial, innovation and technological challenges of human-centered change of society, defining the role of human potential in transforming cities into dynamic centers of social and economic growth. Strategic planning of urban human development is designed to increase the scientific feasibility and practical significance of goals, management decisions, forecast scenarios and local development programs in order to consider better the interests and needs of human resources capable to ensure long-term quality dynamics of local and national growth. The purpose of the article is to substantiate scientifically conceptual provisions of forming the strategy of urban human potential development considering challenges of the new economy and post-industrial society. An assessment of the strategic priorities of the most competitive Ukrainian cities was made in order to determine which aspects of the formulation of the urban strategic development vision can influence positively the formation of human potential. The necessity of consolidation the efforts to form comfort urban environment focused on formation, preservation, development and effective use of human potential of cities was determined. The key provisions of human resources development strategy were formulated: coherence ofcommon vision and formulation of goals, detailed addressing of application objects and agents, balancing of human and territorial development priorities, active modernization of urban space and infrastructure, considering behavioral patterns and expectations. Favorable conditions for the development of human potential allow to avoid the formation of human potential negative behavioral patterns to ensure at least a steady existence and to direct the main efforts of personal growth to achieve the maximum level of creativity. In the presence of appropriate strategic priorities, the positive expectations of human resources bearers regarding the prospects of the urban development in accordance with their life trajectories increase, which justifies the increased attention to the issue of strategic human development.References
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