
  • O. Y. Suduk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne




farming, agrarian nature management, war, common agricultural policy, European Green Course, аgriculture.


The article examines the main aspects of the impact of Russian aggression on the effectiveness of agrarian nature management. The problems faced by agricultural enterprises and farmers as a result of military operations in Ukraine have been identified. The export potential of Ukraine in the pre-war and war periods has been analyzed. The peculiarities of forming the country's investment potential in wartime have been determined. The key elements of the new common agricultural policy, which will operate during 2023–2027, are considered. The CAP aims to ensure a sustainable future for European farmers. The new CAP will strengthen the position of farmers in the supply chain and increase the competitiveness of the agri-food sector. The possibility of Ukraine's joining the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) program, which provides support for the market, trade, and farmers' incomes, has been considered. The world experience was analyzed and the main recommendations for the development of the agrarian sphere were formed (privatization of agricultural  lands of stateowned enterprises and institutions, the management of which is  currently ineffective; carrying out demining the agricultural lands; ensuring the completeness of land registration of all forms of ownership in the State Land Cadastre; research of the entire supply chain in the agricultural sector forstudying the reasons for the sector' shadowing; ensuring a significant increase in quotas for duty-free exports of agro-industrial products to EU countries; introducing a tax on withdrawn capital; creating a product certification system in accordance with EU standards; launching an effective mechanism for promoting the export of products with high added value; synchronizing the regulatory of the agricultural sector with EU norms, etc.).

Author Biography

O. Y. Suduk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


Україна 2022. Як не втратити свій шанс стати сильною державою : доповідь Українського інституту майбутнього. URL: https://uifuture.org/publications/ukrayina-2022-yak-ne-vtratyty-svij-shans-staty-sylnoyu-derzhavoyu/ (дата звернення: 30.08.2022).

Державна Служба статистики України. URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/ (дата звернення: 30.08.2022).

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Владимир Рыхлицкий Бизнес в условиях войны: кто понесет наибольшие потери и как восстанавливаются предприятия. Экономическая правда. URL: https://www.epravda.com.ua/rus/publications/2022/03/23/684549/ (дата звернення: 30.08.2022).

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