information and digital technologies, management, digitization, management requests, information and analytical system.Abstract
The article is devoted to determining the compliance of the skills ofemployees of nature management and environmental protection of Ukrainewith modern trends in the digital economy. The level of use of informationtechnologies in general and the corresponding transformation ofmanagement needs are investigated. The role of information and digitaltechnologies to increase the efficiency of the control object is shown. Theinformation-analytical systems which are realized in management bodies ofnature management and environmental protection in the Rivne area at threelevels are investigated: regional, regional and city. A survey ofadministrative staff was conducted. The described systematization ofcirculating documents is carried out according to a number of classifiers. Inthe context of digitalization, automated control systems perform variousfunctions. It is determined that the main need that is met with the use ofdigital technologies is archiving and registration of documents. At thedistrict level, most of the governing bodies are registered, where thecomputer information-analytical system or its elements have not beenimplemented. The low level and disinterest of managers in the use ofinformation support in the process of making management decisions isproved. It is established that databases on financial and economic activities,normative-legal, personnel, resource, material and technical support andecological-statistical ones are in the greatest demand for informationsupport of administrative activity.References
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