scientific research, statistical methods, sources of information, stages of research.Abstract
Mastering the skills of scientific research is necessary for a specialistin economics in the acquisition of a wide range of knowledge, skills andcompetencies both in the professional field and in terms of generalerudition. The high level of abstractness of economic phenomena andprocesses determines the specificity of the use of scientific methods in this field of knowledge. The statistical methods which accompany economic research practically at all stages of its carrying out occupy the special place.At the stage of substantiation of the research topic, methods of statisticalcollection of initial information are used. When formulating a hypothesis,statistical tables and graphs, as well as the method of statistical groupings are useful. Then the student begins to detail the information and assess its reliability, as well as to confirm or refute statistical hypotheses, and here uses statistical methods such as assessing the statistical significance of the result by calculating statistical criteria, such as Student's, Fisher's, Z -criteria, etc. When conducting actual research in order to identify patterns, a number of such statistical methods are used as: correlation and regression, methods for estimating the intensity and trends. In addition to traditional methods at the present stage of development of science, new methods are becoming popular that use the capabilities of computer technology and give more accurate results.This paper presents an example of the use of statistical methods inconducting a student study of the impact of inflation on the development of small business in Ukraine. It was hypothesized that the intensity of inflation processes has a significant impact on the activities of small enterprises.After using such methods as: statistical observation, time series analysis,correlation-regression analysis and statistical testing of hypotheses with aprobability of 0.95, it was confirmed that with each increase in inflation, the total net profit of small enterprises decreases significantly.References
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