innovative security, economic security, indices of innovative capacity, innovative activity, threats, opportunities, global challenges, competitiveness of the national economy.Abstract
The article reveals the essence of innovative security of the state, namely, the concepts of «economic security» and «innovative security» are considered in more detail. The main indices of innovation capacity were studied, among which the most authoritative are the Global Innovation Index – GII, Bloomberg Innovation Index – IAB, Global Talent Competitiveness Index – GIKT, European Innovation Scoreboard – EIT, as well as the current state of innovation security of Ukraine, the main factors determining the crisis state of the innovation sphere, which includes low efficiency of innovative activity, insufficient funding, a decrease in the number of specialists performing scientific and technical work, and the use of outdated technologies. Such a difficult situation indicates the need to form a comprehensive system of ensuring economic security, which cannot be achieved without structural restructuring of the economy and improvement of its competitiveness on an innovative basis. The level of economic security of the state largely depends on the efficiency of production and the level of innovative development.Therefore, ensuring innovative safety is an important condition for increasing the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers and ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of the country. The need to strengthen innovative security of Ukraine, which will allow to increase the competitiveness of the national economy, is substantiated. The main directions of strengthening the innovative security of the country, which must be grouped into institutional-legal, economic, and informationanalytical blocks, are given.References
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