social partners, social dialogue, communication, digitalization, digital tools, digital skills.Abstract
The digitalization of social processes has not only raised a number of pressing issues for social dialogue, but also offered new opportunities to ensure its effectiveness: speeding up information exchange, greater openness of social partners, easier monitoring and evaluation of negotiation processes, accumulation and systematization of better practices of social dialogue, etc. In order to increase cooperation between employers, trade unions and relevant government agencies in ensuring tripartite dialogue, the latest digital tools should be used to facilitate their communication.European organizations of employers and employees use a lot of different digital tools in all areas of their activities, including for attracting new members, conducting negotiations, consulting, monitoring opinions. Despite the positive changes in the economy of Ukraine in the direction of digitalization, domestic social partners often underestimate and thereforedo not fully use digital tools for organizing dialogue.In the process of implementing and using digital technologies in their activities, social partner organizations face certain problems related to the deficit of digital skills of their members, data protection and network infrastructure and technologies. This is confirmed by the results of the author's study of the level of digital skills of representatives of one of the parties to the social dialogue, namely civil service employees involved in egovernment relations.In order to overcome these problems, the efforts of social partners should be aimed both at updating the digital infrastructure and technologies used at various levels of their interaction and at providing opportunities for the development of the necessary level of digital skills of participants in communication processes, including their awareness of protection data.References
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