corporation, informatization, innovation, information security, provision.Abstract
The article examines scientific and methodical approaches to information security management of corporations. The purpose of the research is to develop an innovative and conceptual provision of information security in the activities of corporations in an innovative and informational environment. Summarizing the approaches to understanding the essence of information security, it should be noted that in the conditions of institutional transformation, information security of corporations is proposed to be defined as an integrated component of the process of ensuring the protection of information from internal and external threats and creating favorable conditions for the effective functioning of corporations and increasing their competitiveness.The concept of its management was developed to increase the information security of corporations. The concept of systemic transformation of business entities in the institutional environment has been developed. The basis of the proposed concept is the understanding of the activities of enterprises as a complex of systemic actions aimed at the implementation of a single institutional field, but does not exclude the existence and recognition of a number of principles and guidelines necessary for the correct regulation of the activities of such complex economic units, which ultimately leads to the activation of their activities. The creation of an effective mechanism to prevent possible negative consequences from cyberattacks and cybercrimes in corporations today is a critically important task, without the solution of which the normal and effective functioning of the world economy and national security of the state is impossible.As an innovative and conceptual mechanism for ensuring the information security of corporations' activities, a comprehensive mechanism is recommended, which includes innovative provision of corporations' activities and ensuring information security of corporations' activities to achieve an innovative level of the corporation's development and its development strategy.References
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