economy, education, society, GDP of Ukraine, economic growth.Abstract
The author proves that education supplies personal development, andconsequently, improvement of living standards of population and forces growth of economic indicators. The article argues a share of education in GDP of Ukraine, which is reduced every year. The works studies dynamics of the number of educational establishments of the I-IV level of accreditation in Ukraine in 2010-2016. It is confirmed that, for the studied period, there was fall of them, as well as reduction of the number of students. The author of the article describes main problems, connected with achievement of the appropriate level of education quality, requiring an urgent solution, i.e. inconsistency between educational services and requirements of modern society; lack of access for all categories of population to quality education (because of deficiency of financial supply, rural youth, etc.); inappropriate content of education because of autonomous status of Universities and imperfect state standards; poor opportunities for graduates to find job; lack of an appropriate motivation system in the educational establishments, etc. It is proved that education has a particular impact on the economy development.References
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