
  • N. В. Savina National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • A. A. Podlevskyi National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


state regulation, industrial cooperation, specialization, efficiency, integral coefficient of specialization, coefficient of Weaver.


The article is devoted to state regulation of industrial cooperation in context of forming a comprehensive method of effectiveness evaluation. Different indicators of specialization and localization have been considered and the authorial integrated coefficient of specialization was offered including coefficients on employed population, on active enterprises, for the production of products and production rate per capita. This allows to reveal the main branches of the region that might become priority of the national economy growth The results of the author’s and Weaver’s methods showed the ambiguity of indicators as by the number of the branchesspecialization so by the regional profile.Therefore for complex research of the potential of industrial cooperation it is recommended to take into account the results of the analysis of both the method of Weaver (for the definition of ‘traditional’ industries and internal reserves the growth of the regional economy), and the proposed integrated coefficient of industrial specialization (which will identify perspective branches for inter-regional and international industrial cooperation). This allows determine important branches of specialization for the region and will give the opportunity to form a more effective set of measures of state regulation of industrial cooperation to enhance the various forms of industrial cooperation.

Author Biographies

N. В. Savina, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-rector for ResearchWork and International Relations

A. A. Podlevskyi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Finance and Environmental Economics


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