
  • T. M. Skoryna National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Rivne


hotel enterprise, international competitiveness of a hotel enterprise, the daily cost of the hotel rooms, the financial model of accounting.


It is proved that the existing stages and methodical approaches of definition of competitiveness of the domestic hotel enterprises are not suitable for international evaluation. The proposed interpretation of the international competitiveness of a hotel enterprise. It is proved that in the conditions of globalization and the information economy it is advisable to use the price of a hotel room as an indicator of compe?itiveness and calculate the daily price of a hotel room. A comparativeanalysis of the daily allowance of sale prices of hotel rooms in Ukraine’s capital and other capitals of the world. The forecast concerning the further the competitiveness of hotel companies.

Author Biography

T. M. Skoryna, National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Rivne

Post-graduate Student


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