



energy, energy security, supply of electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning, renewable energy sources, military aggression


This article examines the dynamic and structural changes in electricity production in Ukraine. The article presents an analysis of the structure of electricity sources in Ukraine. It compares the changes that occurred in 2022 and 2023 with those observed in the pre-war period. The dynamics and structure of energy consumption in Ukraine between 2019 and 2022 are analyzed. It is highlighted that the industry is the largest energy consumer. The role of the economic activity designated as "Supply of electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning" (code "D") within the national economy is evaluated. An analysis of economic indicators characterizing this type of economic activity is conducted. The number and structure of the enterprises involved are considered. The number of employees in the energy supply sector is studied. The energy sector, which is of great significance to Ukraine’s economy, employs up to 4% of the working population. The article analyses personnel costs. It is established that their share in the structure of total personnel costs of all business entities is almost twice as high as the actual share of such employees in the structure of the total working population of Ukraine.The profitability of this type of activity was assessed. The share of sales volumes of these entities in the overall sales structure of Ukraine is quite large. The distribution of sales volumes depending on the size of business entities is analyzed. It is established that the sales volumes in the studied market segment are produced mainly by large enterprises.However, the level of profitability of operating activities of large enterprises is quite low. Changes in the structure of energy sources in Ukraine are analyzed. It is established that compared to the pre-war years, the capacity of nuclear generation has decreased by 44%, hydrogeneration – by 29%, and RES – by 24%.The dynamics of introducing alternative energy sources are shown: wind, sun, and waves. The consequences of military aggression in the energy sector of Ukraine are investigated. It is recognized that the energy crisis is turning into a threat to the energy security of the state. 

Author Biography

Iryna Zhydyk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Deputy Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education for Educational and Methodical work, Post-graduate Student




