
  • O. B. Konarivska National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • M. S. Yakovyshyna National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • A. O. Нordiіchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



tourist infrastructure, market of tourist services, region, strategy, innovation, development, tourist business.


The article on the new works of domestic and foreign scientists conducted a critical theoretical analysis of the concepts of «innovation», «strategy», «development», «tourism business» in order to formulate the concept of «innovation strategy for tourism business». It has been found that different approaches to the interpretation of the analyzed concepts are used in the scientific literature. The identified issues hinder the effective formation and implementation of innovative activities in the field of tourism services, as well as does not contribute to the qualitative assessment of ties with other sectors of the economy. It is investigated that the tourism business today belongs to the innovation sphere through the active use of technical, informational, intellectual and other types of innovation. However, the scientific discourse is presented that the enterprises of the tourism business do not create innovations on their own. It has been proven that innovations in the field of tourism services are defined as new: service concepts, customer communication channels, distribution systems and technological solutions, etc. The results of the analysis on the definition of «strategy» showed that they are productive and important for understanding the patterns of strategic behavior of economic entities, but not very useful for the purposes of economic analysis and forecasting. It is  determined that the strategy of tourism development in Ukraine is closely  related to other strategies of the state, which together constitute the overall strategy of social development. The results of the analysis to define the concept of «development» allow us to understand the category of «development» process consisting of many states, aimed at qualitative transformations of the object under the influence of internal and external environment, which increase its efficiency. It is generalized that it is expedient to consider innovative strategy of development of tourist business from three  positions: as process of transformation of quantitative and qualitative parameters of tourist business; as a resultant characteristic of the parameters of the market of tourist services (demand, supply, market price) in space and time; as a confirmation of the irreversibility of the time of implementation of changes in the functioning of the market of tourist services. It was found that in order to determine the model of development of the country's regions in terms of innovative strategy of the tourism business, it is necessary to follow the following rules: take into account the country's capabilities; to determine the goal to be achieved by the state in its socio-economic development; develop and implement measures by regulatory authorities to achieve these goals. The own understanding of the concept of innovative strategy of tourism business development at the regional level as a generalized model of action of local authorities and other stakeholders (business, science, public, etc.) operating within the overall strategy of tourism development in Ukraine to identify innovative vectors of tourism development. by coordinating efforts and allocating resources: financial, material, labor, information.

Author Biographies

O. B. Konarivska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

M. S. Yakovyshyna, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer

A. O. Нordiіchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



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