self-management, life management, cross-cultural management, management culture, corporate culture, brand management, creativity, creative thinking.Abstract
The article considers the essence of management culture, its components, reveals the importance of self-management and cross-cultural management in the formation of a strong management culture of the organization and the promotion of its own brand.The article presents a practical justification of the need for scientific application of self-management tools in the context of forming an effective management culture. The article is designed to determine the categorical apparatus of self-management, to establish its content, justify the tools and formulate proposals for their use in promoting your own brand.The factors that promote and hinder the self-development of employees of the organization are determined. The basic qualities of the personality that influence its ability to self-development are substantiated.The article analyzes the motivational self-management as a tool for management. The author of the expediency of intensification heads towardsuse in practice the basic rules and methods of self-management as a set of measures and policies aimed at improving and developing professional andpersonal human potential, increase its efficiency.It is noted that the success of each person depends not only on the material and economic values, but also on how it manages the most valuable asset – time. Each person must knowingly and systematically use their time to achieve this goal.In the article the importance of self-management as one of the prerequisites for a successful and productive work, because given the current pace of life and the level of competition, self- management is an objective necessity for people who aim to score.The article is devoted to the consideration of approaches of foreign and domestic scientists regarding the definition and place of organizational culture, cross-cultural management. In the course of the study, we have summarized the different points of view regarding the relation between these concepts. The tasks and the most important components of crosscultural management at the enterprise are determined. The most important components of cross-cultural capital are substantiated. The importance of studying and introducing management of cross-cultural management companies is proved.References
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