assortment policy, assortment portfolio, restructuring of assortment portfolio, economic substantiation of structure of assortment of goods, turnover of trade enterprise, commodity assortment.Abstract
Theoretical and methodical bases of assortment policy of the trade enterprise are investigated. The author's interpretation of the concept of restructuring the assortment portfolio of a commercial enterprise as a set of operations on quantitative and qualitative changes in the set of goods as a result of reduction, expansion, renewal, improvement or harmonization of the range is proposed. An algorithm for studying the assortment policy of a commercial enterprise has been developed, which includes the following stages: analysis of the assortment portfolio; retrospective analysis of the turnover of the enterprise and the factors that affect it; determination of the goals of assortment portfolio restructuring and quantitative interpretation of their parameters; evaluation of the effectiveness of the assortment policy of the enterprise. The analysis of the assortment portfolio was performed according to the following indicators: structure, width, depth, completeness, novelty and rationality of the portfolio. The structure of the assortment (product) portfolio of a specific enterprise is analyzed using a combined ABC and XYZ analysis. The dynamics of the volume of trade and general and specific factors that affect it, in particular, the pricing and marketing policy of the enterprise, the provision of trade in commodity resources, the provision of material and technical base. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the assortment policy of the trading company. Based on the results of the analysis, economic decisions on improving the assortment portfolio of a commercial enterprise taking into account its specifics are proposed andsubstantiated. The target parameters of assortment portfolio restructuring have been determined, namely: maximization of trade turnover, minimization of operating costs, minimization of accounts payable and increase of its turnover. On the basis of calculations the estimation of expected effective indicators of activity of the trading enterprise is executed. Reasonable proposals can be used in the practice of trade enterprises.References
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