trading company, competitive conditions, competitive strategy, evaluation, effectiveness of competitive strategy.Abstract
In the context of comprehensive international integration, theimplementation of competitive strategies at domestic tradingcompanies is impossible without creating a modern methodologicalbasis for economic evaluation of their effectiveness. After all,economic evaluation is the final stageof development of any strategy before its implementation, andthe main criterion for the effectiveness of the new strategy are theeconomic results of enterprise development. Trade activity, as one ofthe most important components of the Ukrainian economy, on whichthe quality of life, development of the economy and itscompetitiveness depends, is now undergoing a dynamictransformational stage of post-crisis development.However, in order to ensure efficient operation and sustainabledevelopment, trade enterprises need an effective management system. As the experience of many trading companies shows, strategyis an important tool for managing their activity, especially in today’sdifficult, competitive conditions, and in the formation, strives to makeit as effective as possible. The article describes the features, types,features, principles and criteria of effective competitive strategies ofa modern trading company, systematized and deepened scientificapproaches to determine their effectiveness according to the goalsand capabilities of the enterprise. The method of strategy explorationand evaluation is based on the type of economic growth at whichhigher rates of reduction in the cost of living labor are projected thanthe costs of labor employed and an increase in the share of profit invalue created, that is, the provision of expanded production. On thisbasis, the normative structure (normative series) of growth rates ofindicators of development of a trading enterprise is formed. Thus,estimating the future competitive strategy of development of a tradingenterprise, by this method, provides forecasting of possibletendencies of each of these indicators and comparing them with thenormative series.References
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