competitiveness, university, students, strategy, sociopsychological methods, fluidity, satisfaction, management mechanism, financial losses, differentiation.Abstract
It is proved that in modern conditions the priority in the mechanism ofcompetitiveness management of the university should belong to sociopsychological methods, and their successful implementation should be illustrated by students' satisfaction with learning. A student surveyquestionnaire has been developed to assess the overall level of academicsatisfaction at the university.It is proved that the movement of students is a reaction to theimplementation of internal university management. The dynamics ofmovement of students of Ukraine and the USA is analyzed; financial losses of universities and the state from this process are calculated. A methodical approach to increasing the competitiveness of universities is proposed, which involves comparing the coefficients of student turnover and their satisfaction, making appropriate management decisions that will contribute to the implementation of a competitive strategy – management differentiation.The paper presents the essence and factors of ensuring the competitiveness of universities. The state expenses for the activity ofuniversities are reflected, as well as the contingent of students, theirdistribution by regions and forms of education, the cost of one year of study.References
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