
  • S. I. Koval National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



corporate culture, internal marketing, company, values, employees, strategic goals, competition.


Today's modern business environment is largely influenced by globalization of the economy and increased competition. Searching for an effective competitive advantage, companies to pay more attention to improving their customer service. Organizational marketing plays an important role in shaping the corporate culture and ensuring the sustainable development of the company. The use of marketing tools and business potential of the company will provide the most complete satisfaction of customer needs. The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of marketing on the formation of corporate culture, as well as to outline the relevant tasks that the company must solve in the process of achieving its strategic goals. The presence of corporate culture in the company is one of the most effective means of solving internal marketing problems. Intra-organizational marketing allows us to consider a company as a market in which each employee has its internal suppliers and internal consumers of the results of its activities. Employees of the company are the main driving force in achieving the set goals. They are the internal clients of the company whose needs are to be met. It can be argued that the degree to which the strategic goals of the company are achieved and therefore the level of competitiveness in the future depends to a large extent on the extent to which each employee is involved in the entity's activities. A special role in the formation of corporate culture is played by the culture of external identification. This allows you to attract attention to the company in a competitive environment. The presence of corporate culture in the company becomes one of the most effective means for solving the problems of internal and external marketing. It is the corporate culture that allows the management to shape the image of the company, increase the sense of responsibility of employees, contribute to the achievement of certain goals. Therefore, the company should focus on team cohesion and individual interests; determining the points of their contact; mobilizing team efforts to achieve their goals, based on marketing philosophy, internal communication policy, usage of intellectual and business potential of company management.

Author Biography

S. I. Koval, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer


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