
  • A. L. Zaluzhnyi National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



needs, personality, interdisciplinary approach, socium, physiology, ecology, ecological-economic thinking, economic needs, theory of social action.


The article devoted to the problem of the essential understanding of needs, their structure, classification, peculiarity of development in the transdisciplinary dimension of the research of modern humanities. An analytical review of the needs for physiological-biological, ecologicaleconomic and sociological discourse are determined through theprism of an interdisciplinary approach. It emphasizes the double essence of the needs, which accumulates in itself the unity of objective and subjective principles. In this article much attention is paid to the formation of a new environmentally oriented worldview of M. Reimers, which makes it possible to establish a new concept of "environmental needs" as a need for the existence of a favorable environment for human existence. At the heart of ecological thinking people are seen as a subsystem, and qualitative satisfaction of needs causes the need for optimization of all subsystems. In the above paradigmatic shifts, a peculiar phenomenon of ecologization of human needs is observed, which is extremely important for the modern life of society. It is noted that needs are a significant determinant of people's behavior, their activities and self-realization. Also in the article are determined that needs express a desire for the conditions that are  necessary for a normal physical, mental, spiritual and moral state. A variety of needs which presupposes their classification by levels, groups, classes, types, causing hierarchical correlation and interaction are highlighted. The problem of creation of the only correct classification, which is due to the theoretical and methodological approaches of the corresponding sphere of scientific knowledge and the schools and directions inherent to them, the presence of unlimited number of needs, makes it impossible to integrate the typology are investigated. In the article are determined that only a person is the only and unique being that does not just needs, but also able to understand, shape, and not only satisfy, but also critically rethink, limit.

Author Biography

A. L. Zaluzhnyi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Post-graduate Student


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