informatization, information environment, corporate governance, management efficiency, corporation.Abstract
The aim of the research is to prove the necessity of the effective corporate management taking into account modern information technologies for increasing the competitiveness of internalenterprises and attraction of the investments. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the fundamental principles of information technologies in the economy, scientific works of native and foreign scientists on the issues of corporate governance improvement. The article investigates the influence of information technologies on the performance of corporations. It is determined that one of the most recognized ways in the world to ensure the effectiveness of corporate governance is informatization. The peculiarities of corporate management of American corporations and indicators of international production are analyzed. It has been determined that rapidtechnological changes lead to a shorter product life cycle, and innovation and technology are today the key source of competitive power of corporations. It is proved that the current competitive advantages of corporations are the use of information and communication technologies.References
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