
  • V. А. Petruk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • I. R. Petruk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



external environment, internal environment, goals, business strategy, integration, competitive advantages.


At present Ukraine is in a difficult situation – devaluation of the national currency, difficult economic and political conditions, instability and unpredictability of events in the country, entrepreneurship and retail trade. Under such conditions, the efficiency of business development depends strongly on taking into account the trends of external and internal environment, customer orientation, and the adequacy of managerial decisions, which necessitates the formation of a flexible, promising business strategy for any enterprise. To do this, the article proposes an algorithm for choosing a business strategy for a trading company in accordance with its goals and opportunities in the context of ensuring the competitiveness and efficiency of functioning in the current conditions of management, the essence of business strategies and their alternatives is disclosed. So, modern business enterprises use threemain types of business strategies. 1. The strategy of the least aggregate costs, which involves reducing the cost of production and promotion of goods and services, thanks to experience, a policy of economy and minimization of costs in such areas as service, work of sales personnel, advertising, etc., which allows them to reduce their prices and attract or keep a significant number of buyers.2. The strategy of differentiation, which is used mainly for the networks of specialized stores, which have significant differences for consumers, are high quality, brand marks, which are decisive for the purchase of preselected goods and special demand. 3. A strategy for focusing on demand, a specific group of customers, a segment or a product line. The focus of the focus strategy is to serve the specific target group of consumers.In order to further improve the activities of enterprises in the trade sector, attention should be paid more systematically to the factors influencing their trading activities, technologies for assessing demand for products and developing business development strategies. In order to further improve the activities of enterprises in the trade sector, attention should be paid more systematically to the factors influencing their trading activities, technologies for assessing demand for products and developing business development strategies. In order to select the best business strategies to achieve a higher level of efficiency over competitors, regardless of market position, trading companies should: a) closely monitor their competitors by choosing the most effective business strategy and constantly adjusting it in line with the rapid changes in the competitive environment; b) observe consumers and seek innovative methods for increasing the consumer value of goods and services in comparison with competitors.

Author Biographies

V. А. Petruk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

I. R. Petruk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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