financing of higher education, institution of higher education, sources of financing, expenditures on higher education, financial mechanism.Abstract
The article deals with theoretical-methodological and practical aspects of the organization of the system of financing higher education. The sources and mechanism of financial support of higher education institutions, which contains two functional subsystems: financial security and financial regulation, are investigated. The forms of financing of higher education, in particular budget, estimated, budgetary-estimated, direct, indirect and targeted financing are considered. The main problems of the financial mechanism, which are the lack of budget funds, the low level of use of additional sources of financing, and the low level of autonomy of higher education institutions are revealed. The current state of financing of educational institutions is analyzed. Measures to improve the quality of funding for higher education institutions are identified: diversification of funding sources, improvement of scientific and methodological provision of educational process and creation of conditions for conducting fundamental and applied research in educational institutions; strengthening the control over the full implementation of legislative acts concerning the sphere of higher education. Organizational directions for improving the financial provision of higher education include the provision of a full innovation and organizational cycle for applied research; activization of marketing activities of universities; timely updating of assets of high schools. The financial areas include: the distribution of budget funds is not based on norms, but on the results of activities; economical spending of financial resources; application of leasing and credit instruments in financial security; a change in pricing policy for educational services; formation of financial resources; financial support of the best students of contractual form of education; application of the system of material incentives for employees for successful projects to attract additional financial resources.References
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