
  • N. E. Kovshun National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • A. O. Radko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • V. А. Shpak National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



innovation, research work, expert review, clustering, budget financing.


The article examines the role of innovations in the development of the national economy. We have analyzed the dynamics of budget financing of strategic priorities of innovative activities and activities in the field of technology transfer in Ukraine for 2019-2021. Priorities support increases annually, and there were identified priorities where funding  decreases.We conducted a predictive assessment of innovative projects using the clustering procedure. The implementation of the proposed proposal is highlighted in the example of 46 research works in the medical field. A scoring system for planned scientific results and products of research work has been developed, and relative values of indicators were calculated,  which were the basis of clustering. The Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis  Toolbox program set is used to solve the problem of fuzzy clustering based  on the fuzzy c-means algorithm. It was determined that factors such as  novelty, the expected effect of implementation, the methodological level and  material and technical base of the study, and the qualifications of the  main performers of the study have an impact on the predictive effectiveness  and the final results. The results of clustering research work according to the specified indicators, and three clusters were obtained. Analysis of the structure of indicators in clusters showed that the first cluster includes the most effective research works and the second – intermediate ones. The  hird cluster includes ineffective scientific research. Attribution of the planned research to a certain cluster based on expert evaluations of four  selected informative indicators allows for predicting the possible  ffectiveness of the innovation with sufficient accuracy.The statistic of indicators of average scores in each cluster was analyzed. Reliable differences between clusters were established using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The conducted clustering provides reasonable recommendations regarding the feasibility of financing  an innovative project based on forecast expert assessments. 

Author Biographies

N. E. Kovshun, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

A. O. Radko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.)

V. А. Shpak, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



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