
  • Y. V. Sribna National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • I. V. Vasiuk Dubno Branch Higher Education Institution «Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Dubno




knowledge, knowledge economy, intelligence, artificial intelligence, noosphere, intellectual capital.


The article noted the significant contribution to the development of scientific thought regarding the formation of knowledge by V. Vernadskyi, who predicted the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere, thus pointing to the role of intelligence in the formation of knowledge. It is indicated that he was unable to definitively determine the mechanisms of such a transition due to a number of objective and subjective factors, namely: lack of full understanding of the role of information in the formation of the economy and social sphere, as well as the priority of information and communication technologies and computerization. However, V. Vernadskyі clearly noted the need to change the concept of human perception of nature and the environment. Economically, knowledge shapes the development of the modern economy at the level of countries and regions: the contribution of knowledge to the level of GDP reaches 50%, and the stimulation of economic growth is at the level of 60–70%. Due to the informatization of knowledge, it appears in the modern economic environment as crowdfunding.The main achievement of our research is the discovery of the evolutionary regularity of the dynamics of knowledge formation. If until the 21st century, knowledge was accumulated relatively slowly and in an insufficient amount and exclusively within the scientific research of individual talented researchers, then since the 21st century, knowledge has taken the form of a large-scale nature. Therefore, a separate stage is marked – the economy of knowledge. At the same time, knowledge is formed both in the scientific environment and in production, ie in close mutual integration.The role of intelligence in the formation of knowledge is monitored. It is noted that the initial intelligence originated in the biosphere. In the future, this led to the formation of artificial intelligence. Accordingly, it is indicated that artificial intelligences cause conflict, which manifests itself as a violation of the biosphere. The article raises an extremely complex problem of humanity, which concerns the conflict between human and artificial intelligence. At the same time, artificial intelligence in the process of development forms an artificial information processing system that cannot be evaluated by human reason and logic. The concept of harmonious cooperation of these intelligences, which will lead to the automatic full control of the knowledge of mankind and will determine the implementation of such knowledge, is also noted. 

Author Biographies

Y. V. Sribna, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

I. V. Vasiuk, Dubno Branch Higher Education Institution «Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Dubno

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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