
  • P. M. Skrypchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



concept, security, agrarian nature management, main business processes, process approach.


The article discloses the main business processes in the implementation of the concept of ecological and economic security of agrarian nature use. In particular, this is a scientific-methodological, resource and socio-ecological-economic justification of the processes of ensuring socio-ecological-economic security in the use of land resources according to world standards in the conditions of global and regional changes. To implement the concept, it is necessary to implement innovative business processes in the areas of: environmental management, audit, expertise, insurance, licensing, information and environmental economics, metrology, standardization, certification, project management, etc. In particular, it is necessary to organize the development of the regulatory nature of the types of activities that are subject to audit and voluntary environmental certification and the regulatory documents to which they must comply.To implement the concept, it is necessary to implement innovative business processes in the areas of: environmental management, audit, expertise, insurance, licensing, information and environmental economics, metrology, standardization, certification, project management, etc. In particular, it is necessary to organize: development of a regulatory and legal nature (develop legal foundations and determine the list of types of activities, products, NPS objects and territories that are subject to audit and voluntary environmental certification and regulatory documents to which they must comply).The stages and sequence of implementation of the concept in Ukraine will depend on: the development and terms of approval of the concept, the correction of legislative and regulatory documents, their compliance by all levels and authorities and businesses, the implementation of requirements for Ukraine’s accession to the EU, as well as the formation of innovative business processes.The main business processes for the implementation of the concept have been developed in the article: identification of adverse effects on the environment; assessment of facts and events; determination of the structure of agrarian nature management; quantitative assessment of safety; making a decision on the introduction and control of the practice of managing the safety of agricultural nature use; introduction of an effective audit and certification system (including environmental ones).

Author Biography

P. M. Skrypchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor


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